USRP E310 Update

The recent USRP E310 image update (e310-release-002) seems to have resolved all of the out-of-the-box issues that I mentioned in the previous post. Only two minor issues came up:

  1. My device shipped with a 4GB memory card while the new images require an 8GB card. Luckily I had an 8GB card in my phone that I swapped for the card in the USRP.
  2. I was running UHD from the master branch on my host computer, while the image uses UHD release 003_008_004. It seems important to use the same version of UHD on the host computer if you want to use usrp_e3x0_network_mode, as uhd_usrp_probe could not find the device. I had a similar issue in the previous post. Once I downgraded to the same version I was able to find the device. I had to relink GNURadio to get the UHD: USRP Sink to run without throwing a seg fault.

Overall Ettus has done a great job on this product and I am looking forward to more experimentation.

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